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About Us

Bidvest Freight

South African Bulk Terminals (SABT) is a major business unit within Bidvest Freight, the freight management arm of the listed Bidvest Group.

World Class

SABT owns and operates two world class bulk terminals (DBS and RBT) in the Port of Durban. The RBT terminal at Maydon Wharf 5 (MW5) has a combined silo/flat bin storage capacity of 150 000 tons and the DBS terminal located at Island View 3 (IV3) has a silo storage capacity of 70 000 tons.

Staff Compliment

SABT has a staff compliment of 180 permanent staff, who are all multi-skilled in the various aspects of the business. In conjunction with formal training programmes, SABT has close technical cooperation with similar grain handling facilities overseas. We also manage in-house apprenticeship programmes for various technical trades.

Major Commodities

Major commodities imported and exported by both the RBT and DBS terminals include rice, wheat, maize, soya beans, sunflower seeds and soya bean meal which are for both human consumption and for the supply of the animal feed industry. Furthermore, RBT exports fluorspar, a mineral which is mined exclusively in the North West Province of South Africa.

RBT Terminal

RBT has a total of 28 silos and 23 storage bins and cargo at the RBT terminal is handled by means of an interlocked conveyor system which facilitates the efficient and effective transferring of cargos between the vessel, silos, storage bins, rail wagons and road trucks. The RBT terminal has a yard capacity to stage 70 rail wagons within the terminal and loads 32 rail wagons per 8-hour shift as well as off load 35 flourspar wagons in an 18-hour timeframe. The fore mentioned import and export operations occur concurrently as both operations are located within separate parts of the terminal. The terminal can simultaneously handle +- 150 road trucks for imports and exports.

The RBT terminal has the added capability of being in a position to discharge a bulk grain vessel at a rate of 750 tons per hour and to load a grain vessel at a rate of 450 tons per hour.

DBS Terminal

DBS has a total of 28 silos and cargo at the DBS terminal is similarly handled by means of an interlocked conveyor system which facilitates the efficient and effective transferring of cargos between the vessel, silos, storage bins, rail wagons and road trucks.

The DBS terminal has a berth with a depth of 12.2 meters which ensures the terminal is the only sub-Saharan grain terminal capable of handling vessels carrying up to 55,000 tons of grain, the net result is the DBS terminal has become the preferred terminal for all South African maize exports.

The DBS terminal is capable of handling 100 rail wagons and or road trucks in a 24-hour timeframe either for import or export operations.

The DBS terminal is fully equipped to load a bulk grain vessel at a rate of +- 700 tons per hour and discharge a bulk grain vessel at a rate of 250 tons per hour.

Discharger & Loader

In 2015 DBS installed a new discharger as well as a new grain loader. The upgrade project improved reliability, throughput and most importantly eliminated dust emissions during the cargo loading processes. This project was completed in 8 months and was managed by SABT under the supervision of Buhler.

Undergoing Upgrade

The DBS terminal is currently undergoing an upgrade of the terminals cargo handling systems which would entail greater efficiency and improved dust management.

Attention to Detail

The combinations of attention to detail, a proven client centered approach and a structured capital expansion programme ensure that both SABT terminals are comparable with the best in the world.

Proud Association

SABT has a proud association with all the major traders including:

SA's Largest Bulk Grain Handler

As South Africa's largest bulk grain handler, SABT plays an integral role within the South African economy allowing both import and export cargoes to flow through the Port of Durban efficiently and effectively.


South African Bulk Terminals is rated by Empowerdex as a level 2 BBBEE contributor.


SABT is aligned with the Bidvest Group sustainability initiatives. It places a high value on sound business practices, safety and risk management, good governance, taking account of stakeholder needs, stewardship of natural resources, black economic empowerment and the developing of employees. SABT currently has an "AAA" level 2 rating from Empowerdex.